Friday, July 2, 2010

The Neanderthal - modern human connection?

The Neanderthal - modern human connection?

A sixty percent complete, “first draft” of the Neanderthal genome has been prepared by scientists with the Max Planck Institute in Germany and there is evidence there was interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans about 80,000 years ago in the Levant. This announcement appeared in the journal Science on May 8 and has had a mixed reception.

Colleagues of the Max Planck team are delighted so much progress has been made in defining the Neanderthal genome, so soon after the announcement, a few years ago, of the complete human genome but key figures in the fields of evolutionary biology and paleoanthropology question whether the complex statistical analysis outlined in the paper in fact supports the hypothesis there was interbreeding between the two species.

The authors’ genetic analysis also challenges the “out of Africa” hypothesis which posits we modern humans, Homo sapiens, throughout the world trace our ancestry to anatomically modern humans who migrated out of Africa around 50,000 years ago.

The paper’s Abstract reads:
“Neandertals, the closest evolutionary relatives of present-day humans, lived in large parts of Europe and western Asia before disappearing 30,000 years ago. We present a draft sequence of the Neandertal genome composed of more than 4 billion nucleotides from three individuals. Comparisons of the Neandertal genome to the genomes of five present-day humans from different parts of the world identify a number of genomic regions that may have been affected by positive selection in ancestral modern humans, including genes involved in metabolism and in cognitive and skeletal development. We show that Neandertals shared more genetic variants with present-day humans in Eurasia than with present-day humans in sub-Saharan Africa, suggesting that gene flow from Neandertals into the ancestors of non-Africans occurred before the divergence of Eurasian groups from each other.”

Science has published a special section, available without the usual subscription requirement. Also the New York Times has an informative account of the Science announcement.

The Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) ranged from Spain to southern Siberia and as far south as modern day Israel and Palestine, according to this map, and lived from about 130,000 years ago until their extinction 28,000 years ago.

History of the Human Genome Project

History of the Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project (HGP) refers to the international 13-year effort, formally begun in October 1990 and completed in 2003, to discover all the estimated 20,000-25,000 human genes and make them accessible for further biological study. Another project goal was to determine the complete sequence of the 3 billion DNA subunits (bases in the human genome). As part of the HGP, parallel studies were carried out on selected model organisms such as the bacterium E. coli and the mouse to help develop the technology and interpret human gene function. The DOE Human Genome Program and the NIH National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) together sponsored the U.S. Human Genome Project.

Project Enabling Legislation

  • The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (P.L. 79-585) provided the initial charter for a comprehensive program of research and development related to the utilization of fissionable and radioactive materials for medical, biological, and health purposes.
  • The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (P.L. 83-706) further authorized the AEC "to conduct research on the biologic effects of ionizing radiation."
  • The Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-438) provided that responsibilities of the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) shall include "engaging in and supporting environmental, biomedical, physical, and safety research related to the development of energy resources and utilization technologies."
  • The Federal Non-nuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-577) authorized ERDA to conduct a comprehensive non-nuclear energy research, development, and demonstration program to include the environmental and social consequences of the various technologies.
  • The DOE Organization Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-91) mandated the Department "to assure incorporation of national environmental protection goals in the formulation and implementation of energy programs; and to advance the goal of restoring, protecting, and enhancing environmental quality, and assuring public health and safety," and to conduct "a comprehensive program of research and development on the environmental effects of energy technology and program."

What is Inclusion Body Myositis?

What is Inclusion Body Myositis?

Inclusion body myositis (IBM) is one of a group of muscle diseases known as the inflammatory myopathies, which are characterized by chronic, progressive muscle inflammation accompanied by muscle weakness. The onset of muscle weakness in IBM is generally gradual (over months or years) and affects both proximal (close to the trunk of the body) and distal (further away from the trunk) muscles. Muscle weakness may affect only one side of the body. Falling and tripping are usually the first noticeable symptoms of IBM. For some individuals, the disorder begins with weakness in the wrists and fingers that causes difficulty with pinching, buttoning, and gripping objects. There may be weakness of the wrist and finger muscles and atrophy (thinning or loss of muscle bulk) of the forearm muscles and quadricep muscles in the legs. Difficulty swallowing occurs in approximately half of IBM cases. Symptoms of the disease usually begin after the age of 50, although the disease can occur earlier. IBM occurs more frequently in men than in women.

Is there any treatment?

There is no cure for IBM, nor is there a standard course of treatment. The disease is generally unresponsive to corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs. Some evidence suggests that intravenous immunoglobulin may have a slight, but short-lasting, beneficial effect in a small number of cases. Physical therapy may be helpful in maintaining mobility. Other therapy is symptomatic and supportive.

What is the prognosis?

IBM is generally resistant to all therapies and its rate of progression appears to be unaffected by currently available treatments.

What research is being done?

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and other institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) conduct research relating to IBM in laboratories at the NIH and support additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country. Currently funded research is exploring patterns of gene expression among the inflammatory myopathies, the role of viral infection as a precursor to the disorders, and the safety and efficacy of various treatment regimens.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oil Paintings by Xu Fang - born 1979

Oil Paintings by Xu Fang - born 1979

This page presents oil paintings by a young, emerging female artist from China. Her name is Xu Fang. She is especially strong in paintings of young Chinese girls - most of which are self-portraits - in photo-realistic manner.

The images on this page are link-sensitive and take you to other articles or web sites in which you might be interested.

Graduate of Yunnan Fine Art Academy

Ms. Xu Fang graduated from Yunnan Fine Art Academy, oil painting department, in 1998. From 2000 to 2004, she worked as a teacher of Yunnan Arts and Crafts School.

Currently she works as a professional artist specialized in oil paintings. Ms. Xu Fang is especially good in realistic paintings of Chinese girls. Her artworks attended some provincial and national exhibitions and won several prizes.

By the way, the clothes worn by the girls shown in her paintings were all designed by Ms. Xu Fang herself.

Paintings by Ms. Xu Fang

The paintings by Ms. Xu Fang are very Chinese, and especially typical for paintings in the style of Yunnan Art School. By "typical Chinese" I mean the flowering language in subject, brush stroke and in the titles.

The paintings presented here on this page have not yet entered the art market. They were made for the Chinese art market. For Western eyes the images and the titles may sound and look a bit too sweet, too pleasing - maybe even kitschy. For Chinese people they are not.

In my view they are beautiful. But it requires a bit of non-conformity and the courage to display a taste different from Western mainstream art. I am a German from the mountainous state of Bavaria. And typical for people who grew up and live in a region of mountains, I like strong colors.

In any case, these paintings in oil are technically very well done. What could be more beautiful to decorate your home than a portrait of a young woman of exceptional beauty!

Graduate School Personal Statement Secrets

Graduate School Personal

Statement Secrets

The best way to approach your personal statement for graduate school is to imagine that you have five minutes with someone from the admissions committee. How would you go about making the best case for yourself while holding the listener's interest? What would you include and omit in your story? Figuring out the answer to these questions is critical to successfully preparing an effective statement.

To arrive at these answers, you should begin by asking yourself two specific questions:

  • Why have I chosen to attend graduate school this specific field, and why did I choose to apply to this particular school's program?

  • What are my qualifications for admission?

The answers will not necessarily come easily to you, but this exercise will have great practical benefit in readying you to write an outstanding personal statement. By answering each question thoroughly, you will have given much thought to yourself, your experiences, and your goals, thereby laying the groundwork for formulating an interesting and persuasive presentation of your own personal story.

As the founder of, the Net's largest admissions essay prep company, I have seen firsthand the difference a well-written application essay can make. Through its free online admissions essay help course and 300 Harvard-educated editors, helps tens of thousands of student each year improve their essays and gain admission to graduate schools ranging from Harvard to State U.

Having personally edited over 2,000 admissions essays myself for, I have written this article to help you avoid the most common essay flaws. If you remember nothing else about this article, remember this: Be Interesting. Be Concise.

Why Graduate School?

Graduate school is a serious commitment, and it may have been your goal for a long time. Describing your early exposure to a field can offer effective insight into your core objectives. Watch out, however, that you do not your point in such a clichéd, prepackaged way as to make your reader cringe. For example, you should not start your essay, "I have always wanted to.." or "I have always known that _______ was my calling." Instead, you should discuss specific events that led to your interest in the field.

Graduate school is, of course, a means to an end, and admissions committees prefer students who know where they're going and to what use they'll put their education (though the occasional soul-searcher, who may exhibit exceptional raw potential, is welcomed). For many people, the long-term goal is to work in academia, and to differentiate yourself in such cases, you can stress more specific objectives such as your research interests.

Note: Read the instructions carefully. Sometimes schools will ask for a statement of purpose describing your specific research interests in lieu of, or in addition to, a personal statement that emphasizes your character and qualities. For these types of essays, you can assume that a faculty member will be reading your statement, but it should still be accessible enough for a non-specialist to understand. Remember that such essays should also still aim to engage the reader in a way that conveys your own enthusiasm for the subject matter.

Avoid mistakes like discussing the school's rank or prestige, or simply offering generic praise. Instead, mention faculty members by name and indicate some knowledge of their work. Consider contacting faculty members first and discussing their current research projects and your interest in studying under them. Then refer to these contacts in your essay.

Why Am I Qualified?

The way to prove your qualification is not to list attributes you believe you possess but to discuss concrete experiences that show your abilities and qualities. As always, details are paramount. The rest of your application has already summarized your accomplishments and your activities. Show the reader what you did in concrete terms, and again, highlight your active roles.

The experiences that demonstrate your qualification are not necessarily distinct from those that explain your motivation. You shouldn't plan on dividing the essay into two separate sections for each, but rather organize the structure by topic and extrapolate insights as they develop. It's important that you think of the essay as an integrated whole, not as a checklist of questions you must answer.

Focus on research experience, since research will be your main job for the duration of your studies. Be specific about what you did. If you worked for a year under a professor, you might consider emphasizing one particular project and exploring that in depth. The experience does not have to have been a major undertaking: Any practical experience can be used as long as you demonstrate your enthusiasm and aptitude for the field of study.

Remember to keep the discussion personal. Do not get bogged down in minute details and jargon. Ultimately, the focus of the story should remain on you and your growth or success.


1. Don't Write a Term Paper.
As a prospective graduate student, you may be tempted to try to impress your reader with an already tight grasp of academic style. Resist this temptation! You will have plenty of time to produce labyrinthine sentences and sophisticated vocabulary. Your reader will have seen too many essays to appreciate bewilderingly advanced prose. Write clearly and personably.

2. Don't Bore the Reader. Do Be Interesting.
Admissions officers have to read hundreds of essays, and they must often skim. Abstract rumination has no place in an application essay. Admissions officers aren't looking for a new way to view the world; they're looking for a new way to view you, the applicant. The best way to grip your reader is to begin the essay with a captivating snapshot. Notice how the blunt, jarring "after" sentence creates intrigue and keeps the reader's interest.

Before: I am a compilation of many years of experiences gained from overcoming the relentless struggles of life.

After: I was six years old, the eldest of six children in the Bronx, when my father was murdered.

3. Do Use Personal Detail. Show, Don't Tell!
Good essays are concrete and grounded in personal detail. They do not merely assert "I learned my lesson" or that "these lessons are useful both on and off the field." They show it through personal detail. "Show, don't tell" means that if you want to relate a personal quality, do so through your experiences without merely asserting it.

Before: If it were not for a strong support system which instilled into me strong family values and morals, I would not be where I am today.

After: Although my grandmother and I didn't have a car or running water, we still lived far more comfortably than did the other families I knew. I learned an important lesson: My grandmother made the most of what little she had, and she was known and respected for her generosity. Even at that age, I recognized the value she placed on maximizing her resources and helping those around her.

The first example is vague and could have been written by anybody. But the second sentence evokes a vivid image of something that actually happened, placing the reader in the experience of the applicant.

4. Do Be Concise. Don't Be Wordy.
Wordiness not only takes up valuable space, but also confuses the important ideas you're trying to convey. Short sentences are more forceful because they are direct and to the point. Certain phrases, such as "the fact that," are usually unnecessary. Notice how the revised version focuses on active verbs rather than forms of "to be" and adverbs and adjectives.

Before: My recognition of the fact that the book was finally finished was a deeply satisfying moment that will forever linger in my memory.

After: Completing the book at last gave me an enduring sense of fulfillment.

5. Do Address Your Weaknesses. Don't Dwell on Them.
The personal statement may be your only opportunity to explain deficiencies in your application, and you should take advantage of it. Be sure to explain them adequately: "I partied too much to do well on tests" will not help your application. The best tactic is to spin the negatives into positives by stressing your attempts to improve; for example, mention your poor first-quarter grades briefly, then describe what you did to bring them up.

6. Do Vary Your Sentences and Use Transitions.
The best essays contain a variety of sentence lengths mixed within any given paragraph. Also, remember that transition is not limited to words like nevertheless, furthermore or consequently. Good transition flows from the natural thought progression of your argument.

Before: I started playing piano when I was eight years old. I worked hard to learn difficult pieces. I began to love music.

After: I started playing the piano at the age of eight. As I learned to play more difficult pieces, my appreciation for music deepened.

7. Do Use Active Voice Verbs.
Passive-voice expressions are verb phrases in which the subject receives the action expressed in the verb. Passive voice employs a form of the word to be, such as was or were. Overuse of the passive voice makes prose seem flat and uninteresting.

Before: The lessons that have prepared me for my graduate studies were taught to me by my mother.

After: My mother taught me lessons that will prove invaluable as I pursue my research interests.

8. Do Seek Multiple Opinions.
Ask your friends and family to keep these questions in mind:

  • Does my essay have one central theme?

  • Does my introduction engage the reader? Does my conclusion provide closure?

  • Do my introduction and conclusion avoid summary?

  • Do I use concrete experiences as supporting details?

  • Have I used active-voice verbs wherever possible?

  • Is my sentence structure varied, or do I use all long or short sentences?

  • Are there any clichés, such as "cutting-edge" or "learned my lesson"?

  • Do I use transitions appropriately?

  • What about the essay is memorable?

  • What's the worst part of the essay?

  • What parts of the essay need elaboration or are unclear?

  • What parts of the essay do not support my main argument?

  • Is every single sentence crucial to the essay? This must be the case.

  • What does the essay reveal about my personality?

9. Don't Wander. Do Stay Focused.
Many applicants try to turn the personal statement into a complete autobiography. Not surprisingly, they find it difficult to pack so much information into such a short essay, and their essays end up sounding more like a list of experiences than a coherent, well-organized thought. Make sure that every sentence in your essay exists solely to support one central theme.

10. Do Revise, Revise, Revise.
The first step in an improving any essay is to cut, cut, and cut some more.'s free admissions essay help course and Harvard-educated editors will be invaluable as you polish your essay to perfection. The free help course guides you through the entire essay-writing process, from brainstorming worksheets and question-specific strategies for the twelve most common essay topics to a description of ten introduction types and editing checklists.


I have been planning a career in geological sciences for several years, but as an undergraduate I concentrated on getting a solid background in math and science. After graduation, I took a job to allow myself time to thoroughly think through my plans and to expose myself to a variety of work situations. This strategy has been very valuable to me in rounding out my career plans.

During the past 18 months I have had firsthand experience with computers in a wide array of business applications. This has stimulated me to think about ways in which computers could be used for scientific research. One idea that particularly fascinates me is mathematical modeling of natural systems, and I think those kinds of techniques could be put to good use in geological science. I have always enjoyed and been strong in areas that require logical, analytical thought, and I am anxious to combine my interest in earth science with my knowledge of, and aptitude for, computer-related work. There are several specific areas that I have already studied that I think would lend themselves to research based on computing techniques, including mineral phase relations in igneous petrology and several topics in structural geology.

I have had both lecture/lab and field courses in structural geology, as well as a short module dealing with plate tectonics, and I am very interested in the whole area. I would like to explore structural geology and tectonics further at the graduate level. I am also interested in learning more about geophysics. I plan to focus on all these areas in graduate school while at the same time continuing to build up my overall knowledge of geology.

My ultimate academic goal is to earn a Ph.D., but enrolling first in a master's program will enable me to explore my various interests and make a more informed decision about which specific discipline I will want to study in depth. As far as long-term plans, I hope to get a position at a university or other institution where I can indulge my primary impulse, which is to be involved in scientific research, and also try my hand at teaching.

My decision to focus on math and science as an undergraduate and to explore the computer industry after college has equipped me with a unique set of strengths to offer this program. The depth of my interest in geology has only grown in my time away from academia, and although I have identified several possible areas of specialization through prior studies, I look forward to contributing my fresh perspective on all subjects.

Football and World Cup EFL teaching ideas

Football and World

Cup EFL teaching ideas

The World Cup is the kinder face of globalization and so a great chance to bring a truly international event into almost any classroom. It could also motivate students who usually would much rather be outside! There are two ways of exploiting this: teaching football vocabulary so that they understand English language sources on the World Cup such as TV commentary and news reports, or using the topic of the World Cup to teach language that is unconnected to football, e.g. the target language that is in the textbook. Ideas for both are given below in that order, with activities that teach football vocabulary and other language in equal measure in the middle.

Part One: Teaching football language

Football jokes and anecdotes

Football jokes are very easy to find on the internet. Get students matching the jokes to the punchlines, writing punchlines and reading to compare their ideas with the original, guessing the meanings (or double meanings) of words from context, or putting football vocabulary back into the jokes (e.g. Football players are the only people who can ______________ and still look neat"- dribble). Similar things can be done with anecdotes.


There are loads of collocations in football vocabulary, e.g. score + a goal, win + a trophy and blow + the whistle. Any typical games for collocations can be played with these, e.g. pelmanism, dominoes, brainstorming (e.g. a board race), matching sentence halves with the help of the collocations in them (e.g. "He headed the ball into the back" + "of the net"), and spotting the one wrong collocation in each section.

Football idioms and slang

Students could guess which country each piece of slang comes from, guess whether each definition is correct (Call My Bluff), match the words to the correct definitions, or guess where the idiom comes from (e.g. "park the bus" being like putting a bus in front of the goal).


Give students at least twenty football words and expressions (as cards or on a worksheet), and ask them to take turns telling the story of a football match or championship while using as many of those words as they can.

Using video

You could ask students to predict what words they will hear from a video of part of a football match (easy to find on YouTube) by watching it once with the volume turned down, making their predictions, then watching with the volume up to check. You could give one point for each word they guess correctly and minus one point for each word that is not included. Alternatively, students could listen to the commentary of a short extract of some TV football and mark the route of the ball on a plan picture of a football pitch, then watch and check. This would work better with radio and TV footage of the same move, as TV commentary tends not to be explicit enough to understand without seeing it.

Vocabulary guessing

These vocabulary guessing games are all ones where you can present a large amount of language in an active way by getting them to guess something basic about the language as they hear it, maybe with the language being put together with similar words and phrases to make it easier to guess which category it belongs to. One possibility with football vocabulary is to give students a list of words, phrases, sentences or even paragraphs and get them to guess whether they refer to defending (block, tackle, offside trap, etc) or attacking (shoot, pass two men, cross, etc). You can do something similar by getting students to guess whether the words and phrases refer to things or people, classifying verbs by whether they are things the referee does/ things the players do/ things the crowd do, or by getting students to put the words or expressions into groups depending on whether they are against the rules (hand ball, stamping) or not (back heel, throw in).


You could give them words and expressions that they could rank from the most to least skilful ("bicycle kick" being high skill and "fumble" being low skill), by the time in the championship (from "qualification round" to "the final" and beyond), by how positive and negative words are (from "genius" to "donkey"), from the back to the front of the pitch, by physical size, etc.

Typical mistakes

Ask students to identify if an expression is British English, American English, or only used in their country.

Football and other vocab

You could look at the other meanings of football vocabulary, e.g. dribble (by a baby), substitute (teacher) and net (for fishing). You could also link football to other sports by asking them to draw a Venn diagram (e.g. "net" and "ball" in the section linking tennis and football, with "serve" in the just tennis section, and "referee" in the just football section), matching the sport to the rules, matching the sport to the potted history, matching the sport to the commentary, or identifying the sport from the list of words that are dictated.

Part Two: Using the topic of football to teach other language


2nd conditional

Set the students moral conundrums (e.g. "Would you admit to a hand ball if the referee didn't see it?" etc) or ask them to imagine that they could make any changes they wanted (to the rules of football, members of their national team in the World Cup, fixtures their team has to play, etc)

Third Conditional

Give the students one fact from football history and ask them to list all the consequences of that having been different, e.g. "If England had entered the World Cup when it first started, they would have won all the time", "If they had won all the time, Hitler would have concentrated on the World Cup rather than the Berlin Olympics", "If Hitler...", etc.

Future tenses


Ask students to make predictions about an upcoming match day or championship, e.g. different aspects of the World Cup. Things they could predict include number of goals, red cards, draws, European teams in the semi-finals, and top scorer. You could then check the accuracy of their predictions, or if they need instant results you can throw a dice to represent the game.

Another possibility is to ask students to imagine how different football will be in 50 years' time, e.g. changes in technology, rule changes, and which the most successful football teams will be.

Going to for predictions with present evidence

The best way of practising this is to pause a video of a football match just as something is about to happen, and get the students to predict what that will be. To be the right tense, it will need to be something where there is already some kind of evidence on the screen, although you could contrast this with Will for Predictions by asking them to also predict the consequences.

Going to for plans

Ask students to decide on a plan to defeat the opposition (maybe including underhand methods), a training regime, a bid to host the World Cup, or plans for how to polish up a town before the World Cup arrives. They can then present their ideas to the class for everyone to vote on the best. This can be contrasted with Will for Spontaneous Decisions if you ask them to use that tense when making their decisions as a group but Going to when they introduce it to the class.

Past tenses

Past Continuous

Design some accusations using this tense and football vocabulary, e.g. "When I saw you, you were spitting at the referee. Why were you doing that?", and see if they can come up with some innocent reasons

Narrative tenses

Any kinds of football stories can be used to practice narrative tenses, e.g. the story of one world cup, the invention of something (e.g. the Mexican wave), stories of a single match, or anecdotes.


A topic that is always good for practice of passives is inventions and other innovations, e.g. "The golden goal was introduced in 1991". You can make this more fun by turning it into a trivia quiz, for example in the format of a local quiz show such as "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?"

Other grammar

Reported speech

The best way of linking this to football is to use quotes from footballers, coaches, pundits etc. The student could then guess which of these people it came from, match the quotes to the people, guess what they were talking about (e.g. which player, match or team), or spot a word that is wrong. Ways of making sure that Reported Speech is put into these include pairwork dictations and discussion of the quotes from memory after they have turned their worksheets over.

Question formation

As with passives above, you could easily practice question formation with general knowledge quizzes, including subject questions like "Who beat Germany in the final?" A good way of getting lots of questions practice in is to play Jeopardy, a television quiz show in which the quiz master gives the answers and the contestants have to come up with the questions.

Another good way of getting lots of questions into the class is to roleplay interviews and press conferences, e.g. ones at the end of a match or at the end of your career. It might also be possible to design a football version of the Alibi Game.

Relative clauses

Pick some vocabulary that includes people, places, times and things, and get students to define which one they are thinking of (e.g. "This is a person who wears an armband and leads the team" for "captain") until their partner guesses which one it is. You can extend this game by adding three words to each card that they cannot that they cannot say while they are speaking (e.g. "lead", "top" and "command" for the same example) to make it more challenging and to make them think about the meaning of the words more carefully. They can then decide on taboo words for other vocabulary and play the Taboo game again.

Another game which uses definitions to practice relative clauses is Call My Bluff, where students choose between three definitions of a piece of football vocabulary that they probably won't know, e.g. "An action that involves hitting your opponent with your head", "A ball that is very hard" and (the correct one) "A kick that involves putting through another player's legs" for "Nutmeg". They can then make up false definitions of other vocabulary to try and fool their partners or other teams with. You can add non-defining relative clauses to this by including which variety of English the expressions come from, e.g. "Parking the bus, which is an English expression, is the time when you pull all your players back to defend"


Modals of obligation and prohibition

Ask students to guess whether the rules that you tell or show them are true football rules, past football rules, rules from other sports, or just completely made up. With similar sentences, they could also add football vocabulary or modal verbs to the gaps that you have put in. Venn diagrams could also be used here, e.g. "You can't use your hands" for both hurdling and football.

Modals of probability and possibility

Students guess what a picture of a football person or thing is while the teacher reveals it bit by bit or puts an OHP into focus. They could also say how they sure about certain things happening and not happening in the World Cup, e.g. "South Africa can't possibly win".

Other language points


Students could match pictures of national flags or football kits to written or spoken descriptions


You can practice numbers with the stats of a team, country, qualifying campaign, player, stadium, brand etc. Games include being given clues (e.g. "Much higher") until you guess the right number, and Top Trumps.


Ask students to describe footballers from their photos, then match those photos to written descriptions. You can add more to that by asking them to put the photos in time order (by fashion through the ages etc), or by doing the same thing with different images of one footballer (e.g. Beckham).

9 questions to ask your new lover: what you were afraid to ask, but always wanted to know

9 questions to ask your new lover: what you were afraid to ask, but always wanted to know

YOU wanted to ask, but you were afraid of the answers. Is he or she the one for you? What is the wildest thing he's ever done? How many sex partners has he had? Is he broke or head over heels in debt? Has he ever been arrested? And more importantly, how can you be sure?

Knowing the answers to these questions can protect your health, preserve your sanity and may even save your life. So, before you open your heart, open your eyes and your ears and learn the truth behind the new man in your life. But be prepared: The truth works both ways, and if you ask the question, be prepared to answer it as well.

"If a guy runs away from your questions, don't get discouraged," says Dr. Lauren Durant, a clinical psychologist and relationship expert in Durham, N.C. In her national seminar and workbook A Good Man is NOT Hard to Find, she compiles a list of 54 questions, arranged from most invasive to least invasive, that a woman should ask within the first three months of dating. "If you start asking questions and the guy runs away, that's exactly what you want. It sets you up to meet someone who does want what you want."

Paula Williams, a 30-something entertainment manager and business owner in Raleigh, N.C., recommends an upfront approach. Once afraid to tackle the tough questions, the single executive followed Durant's principles and has been pleased with the results. "I've gotten such positive responses from men by being more upfront, asking some of the more difficult questions, and learning about myself in the process."

So, next time, be informed before you get involved by tackling the questions that you've always wanted answers to, but were too afraid to ask.

1. Do you practice safe sex?

Whether you're having sex with your partner or not, knowing a mate's sexual behavior is a critical component of building a relationship. "If you are having sex now, or plan to in the future, you need to know your partner's sexual habits," says Dr. Durant. "You need to know if your mate uses condoms, and if so, if he uses them with everyone, or just certain people. You need to know if he's gotten anyone pregnant, or if she's terminated any pregnancies. You want to know how many partners they've had. And you want to know if they've ever been HIV-tested, and whether they would be willing to be tested with you." Experts warn singles to beware of the people who are elusive, vague or hostile when discussing their sexual history, as this may be indicative of larger issues.

2. What is your fantasy? Although there is some debate about this question (many critics citing that it redirects efforts outside of the relationship instead of within), others maintain its value depending on the circumstance. "Exploring fantasy depends on how the relationship is moving," says Eric V. Copage, author of SoulMates, An Illustrated Guide to Black Love Sex and Romance. "If it's a relationship that is solely sexual, you can ask it right away. But, if there is more to your involvement than sex, you have to be mindful of the goal of the relationship, and whether or not your partner's fantasies violate those desires. Inquire about the wildest act someone has ever done sexually, and this may give you some insight into his or her willingness or desire to engage in fantasy."

3. Are you in debt? Although it is a sensitive topic, understanding your mate's financial habits, not necessarily how much he or she earns, is essential to the success of a long-term relationship. "Even in the short run, spending habits can be indicators of character, values and personality," says Dr. Paris Finner-Williams, lawyer, psychologist and co-author (along with husband, Robert Williams) of Marital Secrets: Dating, Lies, Communication and Sex. In their book, the Detroit-based couple lists 105 questions for couples to consider before getting engaged. "People often complain about the exact behaviors that they saw before they got married, or before they became seriously involved. But they failed to investigate or ask the pertinent questions in order to truly understand how that person's habits translated into character. We encourage people to go into a relationship with not only their hearts open, but their eyes as well."

4. Why did you break up with your ex? While you don't want to spend your entire date talking about ex-partners, there are advantages to knowing the reasons behind your new lover's break-up, or in many cases, divorce. "I wouldn't recommend it for the first date, but you want to know fairly quickly if you plan to be involved beyond the immediate," says Copage. "Your lover's answer can tell you a lot about them, their character, their tendencies, how they react or overreact to different situations, what their tolerance levels are as well as their quirks." More importantly, if you don't completely address why the past relationship failed, you are likely to duplicate those issues in your current relationship.

5. What is your idea of an ideal mate? Knowing what your potential mate finds attractive is fundamental. "You need to know if you come close to that person's idea of an ideal mate," says Dr. Williams, the Detroit lawyer and psychologist who has counseled singles and couples for over 30 years. "When there is discord, the person will have a tendency to gravitate toward what they are attracted to, and if that image is not consistent with who you are, your new partner may wander off in the direction of that attraction." So, if you are dating someone new, ask that person what his or her "type" is, and how you fit into their definition of desirable.

6. Are you interested in a commitment? If your partner is reluctant to answer this question or wants to refocus the conversation, this person is not ready to make a commitment. "You should understand when you're dealing with someone who is not ready or able to respond to you on that level," says Dr. Durant, who provides telephone-coaching sessions, leading women, step-by-step, through the process of finding the right guy. "If your new lover fails to establish eye-to-eye contact, is offended, evasive or reacts in a behavior that is not consistent with positive communication, this may not be the right time, or the right person for you. Don't try to understand the rejection, just recognize it."

7. Do you have any health issues? Learning the overall health history of your new mate, including his family's medical history, is essential if you're considering a long-term relationship, or if children are involved. Given the health issues in the Black community, genetic compatibility may help determine if this is the right person for you. Ask your new partner about his family's history of cancer, heart disease, sickle cell stroke, or lupus and find out if your lover was born with any indicators of the illnesses. If they do have current health issues, you need to know what treatments they are taking, how the condition affects their diet and nutritional habits and how they plan to deal with their condition in the future.

8. What are your long-term goals? Before establishing a goal for the relationship, it is necessary to define the goals of the individuals, both personally and professionally. "It's not as important to ask specific questions, but to be willing, and able, to communicate your needs and goals to your partner," says Copage, author of Black Pearls: Daily Meditations, Affirmations and Inspiration for African-Americans. "Pay attention to not only what they say, but also what they do." Whatever the goal is, make sure that your partner is taking steps in furtherance of that objective. If your lover is interested in achieving a professional goal, but never takes the initiative to carry it out, the same may ring true in your relationship. However, once you are able to successfully define your individual goals, Dr. Williams recommends a "mission statement" for the relationship; a written agreement between the couple, outlining their desires, their interests and mutual goals for the collective unit.

9. Are you interested in having children? Knowing a person's position on having children, adopting children or accepting a relationship with/children is essential. You can't assume that because you know someone, you can anticipate how he or she will react to issues surrounding parenthood. "You simply cannot guess when it comes to some thing as important as the rest of your life," says Tarrianna Gray, a 30-something single parent in Chicago. "You've really got to get inside someone's head and find out what they really value in life. If children are not a part of his future, and that is important to you, it's better to know sooner than later, it doesn't mean that person is a bad person, it simply means they are not the right one for you."

But before exploring fantasy, fact or fiction, experts advise singles to be prepared for the answers they seek. "Despite the consequences, it is always better to know what you are dealing with, than to live in a world of illusions," says Dr. Finner-Williams. "And when you ask a question, if you really want to be certain, you should test the person and ask the question again.

Anything that is tested and still stands is worthwhile."

Love Stoned - Lyrics

Love Stoned - Lyrics

How deep is your love
Dream the summer rainbow
How deep is your love
How deep is your...

My world is falling
Without you...
But you don`t care
About anything beside you
I`ve been calling
Your number forever
But the silence was always
An answer

How deep is your love
Dream the summer rainbow
How deep is your love
Spread the way inside
How deep is your...

My love is fading without you
It`s a call here, I love to be beside you
I`ve been calling
Your number forever
But the silence was always
An answer

How deep is your love
Dream the summer rainbow
How deep is your love
Spread the way inside
How deep is your

Dream the summer rainbow
Spread the way inside

How deep is your love
Dream the summer rainbow
How deep is your love
Spread the way inside
How deep is your..